

Safari package

4 Days Tanzania South Tour

The perfect balance of attractions and time, the Discover Tanzania four days three nights is the best itinerary for seeing as much as humanly possible when you're on a tight time budget.

5 Days Amazing Tanzania Safari

On this 5-day Tanzania safari, you will see flamingos and other waterfowl in a crater filled with wild animals in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and a large selection of animals in the Serengeti National Park.

4 Days Tanzania Classic Lodge Safari

During this 4-day lodge safari you will visit three of the most well-known reserves on Tanzania’s “northern circuit” – the Lake Manyara National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater, and the Serengeti National Park.
Lions pride in Serengeti
Silhouette of two people at sunset,a couple,raising glasses in a romantic toast

6 Days Northern Circuit Lodge Safari

On this 6 days lodge safari, you will get to explore four different wildlife areas in northern Tanzania. Apart from the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, you will also visit the Tarangire and the Lake Manyara National Park. You will see swamps and plains, herds of elephants, and a crater full of game.