
Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing

Information for Climbers

Pre-Climb Medical Check-Up

The minimum age for climbing Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro is 16 years. While there is no maximum age, it is important to remember that this is a physically demanding hike.

Although it is often said that Kilimanjaro in particular is an “easy” mountain to climb, you should not underestimate how physically demanding the climb can be. Although Kilimanjaro offers better climbing conditions than many mountains around the world, this does not mean that the climb itself is not extremely demanding.

There is no ideal body shape or fitness level for climbing Kilimanjaro. We have seen marathon runners come down with altitude sickness, while less physically fit runners have made it to the summit. Our advice is to get into the best hiking shape possible.

All prospective Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro visitors should therefore undergo a medical examination before their climb. Ask your doctor specifically about high altitude hiking for your age, fitness level and general health. Inquire if any pre-existing conditions could cause problems with mountaineering and if your medications could affect your acclimatization.

Training to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

It is important that you wear the shoes you plan to hike in when you train and that you carry the backpack you plan to use. It may take time to break in your shoes and get used to the weight and contact points of your backpack. The best way to do this is to train with both! While physical training is an important part of getting in shape while climbing, it is not the only part.

You should see your climb of Kilimanjaro as an opportunity to make positive changes in your own life.


Check with your airline if there are mandatory vaccinations for the trip. Malaria protection is recommended below 1800 m N.N. (Arusha 894 m).

If you follow the basic rule: “cook it, peel it or forget it” then you should not normally get diarrhea. Of course, as at home, you should wash your hands before each meal. So before each meal, a staff member will provide a bowl of hot water and soap at the tent entrance.

With increasing altitude also results higher frequencies for the heart as well as for the respiration which can lead to the drying out of the mucous membranes and thus results in a higher susceptibility to infection for a cold. Lozenges, pastilles and regular sufficient drinking of about 3 liters of water per day fulfill a certain protection as well as wearing a cloth in front of the mouth.

Avoid sweating while walking. During breaks you should change damp clothing or put something on to avoid increased heat loss. For nights in the tent, put on an extra set of clothes. This includes socks, nightgown, cap for the head and earplugs.


Our tours are designed to achieve sufficient acclimatization to successfully reach the summit and, of course, safely return to the valley.

However, any physical overload should be avoided from the beginning of the tour to the highest campsite at 4,673 m above sea level. According to the motto “The last to hike will be the first to summit”.

To assess the acclimatization process, high-altitude mountaineers use the morning resting pulse or resting heart rate (measured while lying down after waking up in the tent). Measure the normal value/frequency at home before departure. Rule of thumb on the mountain:

Resting heart rate + 10 beats = everything okay, stable
Resting heart rate + 10 – 19 beats = avoid physical overload
Resting heart rate + 20 beats = rest day or descent