
The Story

About Us

Double P Mountaineering and Safari Experts Ltd

Double P Mountaineering and Safari Experts Ltd is a fully registered tour operator headquartered in Arusha, Tanzania with a base in Germany. The brand “Double P” was created from the names of our directors, Mr. Joseph Pallangyo and Mr. Patrick Pfeiffer.

These two friends met in 2011 when Joseph was the senior mountain guide accompanying Patrick on his mountain expedition. This great adventure was the beginning of a deep bond and friendship that continues to grow stronger. By creating “Double P”, they are able to share their amazing experiences with like-minded people who benefit from Joseph and Patrick’s knowledge and skills in the breathtaking landscape and mountains of Tanzania.

Joseph is a leading mountain guide in Tanzania. Over the years he has climbed both Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro many times. His experience has enabled him to assemble a great team. He also has helpful contacts with tourism and park authorities and knows the locations of local markets for daily needs and specialties.

Patrick has extensive safari experience. He is an excellent jeep driver, well organized and a family man. You will be able to share his love for the vastness of the Serengeti and the excitement of encountering wild animals in their natural environment. If you are looking for the “Big Five” (elephant, buffalo, rhino, lion, leopard), a jeep is the best place to experience them up close.

Our company has its own equipment

For the Kilimanjaro climb, spacious tents are available for up to 3 people. If personal equipment is missing or forgotten, it can be partially borrowed from us. Also clothing e.g. for the summit day can be arranged. For this, an early request with specific details is advisable. To our safari equipment generous tents as well as tables, chairs and charcoal grills for unforgettable evenings in the free wilderness of the Serengeti.

You can be assured that all accommodations and other products are checked by Double P itself and only those that meet our standards are included in our tours.


From experience Joseph and Patrick know how exhausting it is to successfully conquer Mount Meru with 4.630 m or Kilimanjaro with 5.895 m. As a reward, why not enjoy a short relaxing beach vacation on Zanzibar or an exciting safari? Ask for.

Apart from the classic safari routes we can also offer you a tour planning based on your own private ideas, your time schedule and imagination. Experience impressive sunsets on the track of a lodge, the view of the savannah with its inhabitants and feel the energy of this endless freedom. Are you ready?